Small delights: Tinker, Tailor…

Small delights: Tinker, Tailor…

A saucer of ripe cherries brings many delights for the eye.  The variety of reds; the so-shiny skins reflecting the light; a pair of ‘twins’ joined together; one even has a fresh leaf remaining. I could look at them for hours! The different lines of the stalks;...
Cherry Pie

Cherry Pie

This ubiquitous wild flower seems to grow with little or no soil.  This large specimen is growing out of an old wall.  Although I think of it by my childhood name of ‘Cherry Pie’, it is actually ‘Red Valerian’ (although surely more pink than red). ...
A knitted delight

A knitted delight

What a delight to see this splendid knitted crown on top of a postbox near Salisbury Cathedral. Drawing it made me realise what a lot of work had gone into its creation, and all done anonymously.  I’ve been aware of these knitted  and crocheted postbox...
A profusion of cowslips

A profusion of cowslips

It’s a delight to find a profusion of cowslips in our lawn this year (even if it does make it difficult to mow). I loved cowslips as a child, but for many years hardly saw one, as they seemed to become rarer with the general decline in wildflowers in the UK. It’s good...
To the river!

To the river!

River! that in silence windest Through the meadows, bright and free, Till at length thy rest thou findest In the bosom of the sea Henry Wadsworth Longfellow To the river We had a morning of sunshine last week! I grabbed my sketchbook and pens and headed for the river...
A delightful find

A delightful find

I was so pleased to find a small patch of snake’s head fritillaries growing in our garden. I’ve long loved these flowers.  The texture of the petals really does look like snakeskin, but I also love the shape. Most shapes in nature are circles and curves, but...