
My painting ‘In Black & White’ was selected for the Oexmann Art Award Exhibition and can be seen at the Wiltshire Museum, Devizes, until 23rd November.

Jenny Monds by her painting 'Red Urn' at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2024

I have donated small paintings to two charites – The Annonymous HeART project, and Art on a Postcard.

Bid online for affordable small art by well known artists (as well as unknowns like me!) and help heart and hepatitis research at the same time.

Jenny Monds by her painting 'Red Urn' at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2024

Saying ‘goodbye’ to ‘Red Urn’ in a final visit at the end of the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition.

‘One hour was unlit’ was selected for the Bruton Art Society 71st annual summer exhibition.

‘ Kintsugi 10’ was longlisted for the Women in Art prize.

August – The RA Summer Exhibition continues

Painting of a red urn with a grey abstract background.

My painting ‘Red Urn’ was selected  for the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition!

If you are going, you can see ‘Red urn’ in the Large Weston room (keep turning left from the  entrance and look for the wonderful bright blue walls!).

Sold! The excitement of a red dot!

‘Red urn’ sold at the party night a week before the exhibition opened, but can be seen  until the end of the exhibition,  August 18th.


With selector and curator Cornelia Parker

It was a thrill to meet Cornelia Parker who selected and curated the work for the Large Weston Room.

July news

My studio in the beautiful Chalke Valley was open as part of the Salisbury Art Trail from May 25th to June 9th 2024.

It was a joy to welcome some 90+ visitors during the fortnight of the trail, some of whom had visited before, others visiting for the first time.

If you didn’t make it, mark your diary for the next Art Trail, 23rd May – 7th June 2026!

Or contact me to  visit by appointment.

My main excitement in June was seeing my painting ‘Red Urn’ hung at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, attending Varnishing Day, going to a preview with my husband and finding it had already sold!

Varnishing Day at the RA

The room at the Summer Exhibition selected and curated by Hurvin Anderson, on the right of the photo.

Lets keep in touch!

Jenny Monds with her painting Red Urn at the RA Summer Exhibition

" Just want to say how much I love my painting, gives me a feeling of home, very grateful"

Quote from a collector

" All of your paintings seem to me to have a substantial meaning in them: poems in a frame"

Quote from a collector

Newsletter archive


Drawing faces!


An arty month! The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition and the Salisbury Art Trail. 


A new painting – walking in the sky!


The end of the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, the Bruton Art Society Open Exhibition – and a lovely write-up fron Hedge Pink. 


Ending the year with 3 exhibitions and 2 online charity auctions.


The end of the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, the Bruton Art Society Open Exhibition – and a lovely write-up fron Hedge Pink.


An exciting email from the Royal Academy of Art regarding this year’s Summer Exhibition, amazing news!


Making bunting for the Salisbury Art Trail, and handing in ‘Red Urn’ for the final judging at the Royal Academy for the Summer Exhibition


The  Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, planning the Salisbury Art TraiL and a new series of work.


Two exhibitions, a sale & highlights of 2023.



Selling a series!



Some thoughts on buyers – and inspiration.