Small delights: Looking at leeks

by | Jan 7, 2022 | BLOGS | 0 comments

Happy New Year, all!

Looking no further than the kitchen for today’s Small Delight, and three leeks.

I spent five minutes just looking at these before I began to draw. Really looking at something is an interesting thing to do.  Even if you don’t draw, spending five minutes letting your gaze travel over an object can reveal hidden worlds. The fanning ends of the leeks reminded me of fish tails, or mermaids’ tails if you’re feeling fanciful, and the root end of one of them had split and the layers were separating revealing a pattern almost like a rose bud.

I possibly included more detail than I would otherwise have done.

Tomorrow I’ll cut and cook them – but today is a day to enjoy the look of them. 

Brighten your day