The small delight of an empty box

by | Jun 27, 2023 | BLOGS | 0 comments

I love boxes. Wooden boxes, metal boxes, empty chocolate boxes, boxes with little drawers.

Recently my husband was given a lovely present of wine and chocolates in a wonderful wooden box – which he of course gave to me! This was a very special box, with a divider down the middle, a lid which slides satisfyingly into place, and a thick rope handle. A great delight.

I spent a happy few hours sanding it and painting it, and it is now a pale grey with a bright blue interior, which will give me pleasure every time I take off the lid and encounter anew the surprise of the intense blue.

This got me wondering what it is about empty boxes that is so appealing. Children are often said to prefer the cardboard box the toy came in to the toy itself. The box perhaps stimulates the imagination more than the contents do.

So what is the appeal of the empty box for the adult? I think it’s something to do with potential. An empty space waiting to be filled. All those lovely things which could live inside, whether paintbrushes, pencils, ribbons, buttons – or something not yet thought of. This could be just the thing to keep…??

By the way, if you are anywhere near Salisbury, you might like to see some of my paintings at Fisherton Mill Gallery during July

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