The small delight of the human face

by | Sep 19, 2024 | BLOGS | 0 comments

Drawing of woman in hat


Faces are endlessly fascinating, don’t you agree? Everyone has two eyes, a nose, a mouth and a chin. How can they all be so different? Apparently the likelihood of two people sharing exactly the same facial features is estimated to be less than 1 in 1 trillion!

Capturing a face with a pen is a challenge. I find, as with all subjects, it’s necessary to draw what you see in front of you – not what you think you see!

Don’t think ‘now for the mouth’ or the result will be too heavy or too childish – instead look for the shadows.

If you fancy having a go, you can take a sketchbook to a cafe – or join in with ‘drawing is free’ on Mondays via zoom. I’ve only just caught up with this, although it has been going since lockdown. Models are drawn from the online community, and we draw for as long as a track of music takes – between 2 and 5 minutes. It’s a very intense but very enjoyable hour!

More information here




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