To the river!

by | Apr 26, 2023 | BLOGS | 2 comments

River! that in silence windest

Through the meadows, bright and free,

Till at length thy rest thou findest

In the bosom of the sea

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow To the river

We had a morning of sunshine last week! I grabbed my sketchbook and pens and headed for the river – and I’m so glad I did, as it was wet again the following day.

A short stop at this point on the river was reviving to the soul.

There is something about being by water which is instantly calming. Perhaps it’s the sense of timelessness and steady inevitability of the water flowing past. The river isn’t shaken by anything, it just keeps flowing. It may be lower or higher, there may be an obstacle to flow around, but flow it will, day after day, providing habitat and nourishment for wildlife, and pause for thought and rest for those who stop to watch.

Brighten your day